How to Keep Your Garden Alive When You're On Vacation

Getting your home and garden ready for vacation can be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be!

With proper planning, you can keep your outdoor plants and houseplants alive when you’re gone for days or weeks at a time.

These are my top tips for taking care of your plants before—and while—you’re traveling.

Assess the needs of your garden and houseplants.

Make a list of what’s most crucial to care for. Account for your vegetable beds as well as your houseplants, and your lawn as well as your landscaping.

Ask a friend or neighbor to take care of your yard or houseplants.

Most people really do not mind taking care of your garden, especially if you ply them with fresh vegetables or offer to return the favor if they have gardens of their own.

Seek out a house-sitter.

Sometimes you can find one for free through various house-sitting sites. These people are usually retirees, freelancers, or digital nomads who exchange house-sitting for accommodations while they’re traveling.

Rent out your home.

Sometimes, you can even make a little money by renting your home to a traveler who appreciates having a garden. Put it out to friends and family a couple of months before your trip, and see if anyone has referrals for you.

Do a house swap.

If you have a lot of friends from outside the area, offer a home swap—they can live in (and help take care of) your home while you’re on vacation, and you can stay in theirs while they’re away. It’s a win-win!

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