If you never knew a chicken’s toenails could grow so long, and if you’ve never seen a grown man cradle a chicken like a baby, well… I’m here to change all that.
While it might sound like I’m being an overly doting chicken mama, making sure your chickens’ nails are nice and short is actually an important part of managing a healthy flock (right up there with making sure they have a good spot to take dust baths).
Related: The Spa Treatment for Sick Chickens
Why you need to check your chicken’s nails
Not only is it good practice to check your chickens’ feet from time to time (for signs of scaly mites and other ailments), but a quick glance-over can help prevent other injuries.
This is because chickens with overgrown nails may have trouble walking and holding a natural foot position, or they may inadvertently scratch their eyes and cause an infection. Overgrown nails start to curl and become a nuisance to an otherwise healthy hen.
The issue normally occurs in chickens that are raised in runs with softer bedding, or chickens that tend to be broody and sit on a nest for weeks on end.
Sometimes, chickens simply don’t scratch enough against a rough surface to properly “file” down their nails, and over time, the nails grow quicker than they’re worn down.
Older or less active chickens are also prone to overgrown nails, and the condition is exacerbated if the pain from severely curled nails keeps them from jumping or scratching as much as they should.
With Iman, my Cochin, I noticed a few of her nails starting to get unruly — they had grown over an inch long! She was also starting to limp a little, which alerted me to the problem.

Thankfully, trimming a chicken’s nails is much easier than trimming a dog’s nails — or my dogs’ nails, at least. Every time I try to clip their dragon lady nails, they act like (and I feel like) I’m going to dismember one of their limbs!
(I’ve since had to resort to trimming my dogs’ nails when they’re asleep. A sneak attack, if you will.)
I use the same scissor-style nail clippers that I use for my dogs; I find that they clip easily and smoothly with no jagged edges.
How to safely hold your chicken
There are two ways you can hold a chicken to prepare for nail trimming, with or without a second set of hands.
My preferred method is to firmly wrap the chicken in a towel (like you’re swaddling a baby) to keep her from flapping her wings. Many people who are holding a chicken for the first time may find this position more comfortable and secure for both parties.
The other method is to simply pick up your chicken while she is standing, making sure your hands are over her wings, then slowly and gently flip her onto her back and into your lap. You can further bond with your chicken by stroking her chest the way you would a pet.
Chickens, if you’ve never held one before, actually love to cuddle and be on their backs. They’re extremely docile in this position, giving you ample time to examine and clip their nails.
Once they’re comfortable in your lap, they’ll remain still so you can use both hands to cut their nails (or you can continue to cuddle them while your partner does the cutting).
How to clip your chicken’s toenails
Cutting a chicken’s nails for the first time may feel intimidating, but follow these steps and you’ll have no trouble at all. (If you’re a little weird like me, you might even find it deeply satisfying.)
First, ensure the nails are clean; I usually take a damp rag and wipe off any mud clinging to their nails so I can see what’s going on.
Next, look at the nail in the light to determine where the quick is. If you don’t see it from the side, try looking from the top or bottom of the nail. (If needed, you can shine a flashlight through it for a better view.)
The quick in a chicken’s nail is the same as the quick in a dog’s nail. It’s a small vein inside the nail shaft that supplies blood to the nail.
When cut, it bleeds (sometimes profusely) and can be a frightening sight if you’re not used to it. It can also be painful if you cut the nail too deeply into the quick (the same way it can hurt if you cut into the pink part of your own nails).
Cutting the quick won’t make your chicken bleed to death (and won’t make you a bad chicken parent), but it’s important to stop the bleeding if it happens, so keep flour, cornstarch, or styptic powder nearby.
The quick appears as a pink line running through the nail. You should clip the nail a few millimeters after the quick, closer to the tip of the nail.
The nail doesn’t have to be super short, but it should be short enough that it’s not curling under.
If you’re not able to see the quick, clip only 1/16 to 1/8 inch at a time until you notice the nail color gradually shifting from light to dark; the darker color indicates you are close to the quick.
Hold both of your chicken’s ankles with one hand (which helps stabilize her) and with your other hand, assess each toe and clip as needed.
It also helps to hold each toe between your thumb and forefinger if you need to keep it steady.
What to do if you cut the nail too short
If you get overzealous and cut into the quick, dip your chicken’s foot into a small cup of flour, cornstarch, or styptic powder (or treat it with a styptic pencil) to stop the bleeding.
Hold the afflicted nail in the powder for several seconds and apply steady pressure until the blood starts to clot.
Severely long nails often have long quicks, so it may take a few sessions to properly cut them all down. If the nails still need a little work after the first trim, wait a couple of weeks for the quick to recede, then repeat the procedure.
Be sure to sanitize the nail clippers when you’re finished. (I wipe mine down with a rubbing alcohol pad.)
Periodically check your flock once or twice a year for overgrown nails, and especially after a hen has gone broody. Giving these “pedicures” when necessary will ensure your girls remain healthy and happy!
Disclosure: If you shop from my article or make a purchase through one of my links, I may receive commissions on some of the products I recommend.
Chicken Nail Care Sources
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Jofuyu Pet Nail Clippers | Cardinal Laboratories Remedy + Recovery Styptic Powder
This post updated from an article that originally appeared on July 16, 2015.
How do you know the nail needs to be trim? Is there a photo guide to teach me how to see? My babies silkie still in brooder, does babies need to get nail trim?
This entire article is a photo guide on how to check and trim your chicken’s nails.
Thank you so much for the step by step visual! I’ve been on a ton of blogs and really enjoy yours!
You’re welcome, I’m glad it was useful for you!
Ning Thanasorn liked this on Facebook.
RT @theGardenBetty: Maintain the health of your flock by checking their feet for overgrown nails. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t…
Maintain the health of your flock by checking their feet for overgrown nails. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/wzWsvuKfQ0
Are your chicken’s nails curling under? It might be time to clip them. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/JwscoexLaL #poultry
Overgrown nails can cause foot or eye injuries, so learn how to check and clip them. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/TqQi8oTC8L
Rickie Makimoto liked this on Facebook.
RT @theGardenBetty: This is part of managing a healthy flock. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/kO8nrBxW1w #poultry #gardenchat
It’s easier than trimming your dog’s nails and helps maintain overall foot health. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/tI2FHMkTRD
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Do you keep #backyardchickens? You might have to give them “pedicures.” How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/HyLx2E2CWS
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Lindsey Dougherty liked this on Facebook.
RT @theGardenBetty: This is part of managing a healthy flock. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/kO8nrBxW1w #poultry #gardenchat
This is part of managing a healthy flock. How to Trim Your Chicken’s Nails http://t.co/kO8nrBxW1w #poultry #gardenchat
That was fascinating, and it looked like your girl enjoyed the cuddling. I passed this post to my sister who is just starting off with a brood of baby chicks. The sooner she starts grooming them, the sooner they’ll get used to it.
I can relate to the cat fight over clipping your dog’s dragon lady nails. My dog is a big boy and thinks his nails are precious jewels. I have to gird my loins and tackle him to the ground to get that job accomplished. Clipping my cats nails takes 15 seconds (it better!) and all I get is hair, not bruises, in the process.
Oh my goodness, I have two little pugs and I can’t even tackle them! They somehow harness superhuman strength when the nail clippers come out! 😉
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Never thought of checking their toenails. Thanks for a great tutorial!
pretty good article. esp harping on about the quick. DONT cut it, no, it wont bleed to death but introduces a source of infection. as the article says, main thing is to make sure chickens have some rocky areas to run around over, or even some concrete to wear them down naturally. can I also say if you want to clip your birds’ wings, similarly be careful, really you just need to cut half off the last five flight feathers, you dont need to chop their wings in half as I have seen some people do. one person I knew in the past cut half way through his cockatoos wing bone, the poor bird went into a mental decline. I think myself (no proof whatsoever) thats its important to birds to feel their wings as part of their self image (albeit a birdy one) so they need to feel they are flapping. most hens and ducks are overweight, cutting off half way down the shaft of the large flight feathers is usually enough to stop them flying away (though if they are happy, they wont). cheers.
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